Children of parents suffering from mental illness eating away

A study has revealed that the stress on the right to food and children victims of a mental disease or they are very choosy about food When this effect is much smaller school-age children

Parents do not reveal their negative emotions children, experts suggest

parents of children happy and sad parents of a child were depressed note and had the greatest impact on their food.

This study also noted that if the victim was the mother of depression during pregnancy or child three years He saw the tension when parents reach the age of 4 years, the next year he started refusing to eat.

Research experts saw the child they are so sensitive that parents of minor depression and stress and let your reactions appear at the dinner table Therefore, experts advised the parents that they should not display their negative emotions in front of their children

Children of parents suffering from mental illness eating away Children of parents suffering from mental illness eating away Reviewed by Stylish Ever on 03:42:00 Rating: 5

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