Scorpion venom or heroin?

Whether the drug adverse effects of any kind, mental and physical health of the person

Some time ago Pakistan, the Scorpions were in catching the madness, especially in Sindh. A large number of people in mountainous and desert areas at night in search of scorpions looked for specific lights and other tools.

It 'askurpyn rush' cause it was rumored that the foreign company is buying Black Scorpion attractive price. They dream of being a stand festooned eyes night possessions, left their homes, were wandering in the desert in search of scorpions. Soon to come into view again. This strange addiction is not altogether new, there are stories about its use in South Asia but now the scope has been extended to Pakistan.

The venom of the scorpion that is created is by questions as how to use drugs? Through a simple but effective process for this poison is transferred into the body in the form of smoke. Dead scorpion taught in the sun for several hours, then it is showing fire. It's body is shifted into the lungs through the riser from smoke inhalation.

If a live scorpion hand is already free from prison by burning it on fire and then the flames burning his body. And smoke rose from the burning of body is pulled in with breathing. Since making poison in the tail of the Scorpion, for certain drugs it's dry dust tail piece. This powder blend tobacco with marijuana and cigarette smoke filled.

Addicts say that heroin addiction faster than drug scorpion venom and its effect lasts ten hours, six hours are initially painful. When the body when drunk could accept these conditions is overcome by the server for the next four hours and appears to be flying in the wind.

Whether the drug adverse effects of any kind, mental and physical health of the person. Health experts say that the scorpion venom affects the human brain than other drugs, and far more dangerous to mental and physical health of the person. The drug addict who suffers memory and is also prone to hallucinations. He seems to see things that do not really exist. This goes to sleep and hunger disappears. Consequently up dangerous effects on health.

According to the UN report, the number of drug addicts in Pakistan is around 70 million. Majority addicted to marijuana and heroin. In addition, a significant number also use alcohol, opium, and drug adyh. But this unique drug use is also increasing.
Scorpion venom or heroin? Scorpion venom or heroin? Reviewed by Stylish Ever on 03:36:00 Rating: 5

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